Hair loss? Balding?
We recommend Nolopecia, a natural treatment for stimulating hair growth.
- Nolopecia can be used by both men and women.
- Nolopecia is a natural product.
- Nolopecia comes in a capsule taken orally.
- Latent viruses cause hair loss (see a medical paper that explains the relationship between viruses and hair loss).
- Nolopecia targets latent viruses. Controlling latent viruses helps maintain normal levels of DHT and androgen receptor, which stimulates hair growth.†
- It takes time to see results. Therefore we recommend ordering at least 2 bottles for a 2 months supply without interruption. Note that the improvements are gradual and easily missed.†
- If the treatment does not work for you, you can always return it for a full refund.
- The Nolopecia formula was developed by analyzing thousands of scientific studies using artificial intelligence (AI).
- Nolopecia is sold by Lilac Corp, the company that sells the highly acclaimed antiviral treatments Gene-Eden-VIR and Novirin.
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What Is Nolopecia?
Nolopecia is a patented herbal treatment against hair loss for both men and women. Nolopecia was launched at the end of 2017. The formula includes 100 mg of a quercetin extract, 150 mg of a green tea extract, 50 mg of a cinnamon extract, 25 mg of a licorice extract, 130 mg of a curcumin extract, and 100 mcg of selenium.
What is androgenic alopecia (AGA)?
Androgenic alopecia (AGA), also called androgenetic alopecia, male-pattern-baldness (MPB), and female pattern baldness (FPB), is hair loss that affects both man and woman. MPB is one of the most prevalent conditions in men, affecting around 50% of men by the age of 50. The hairline first recedes from the front of the head and continues to the crown. This proceeds until only some hair is seen in the very back and on the sides of the head. MPB often occurs alongside diseases affecting an individual’s heart and metabolism. It is also linked to prostate cancer. [1] FPB is hair loss that affects women. Approximately, 40% of women show some signs of pattern hair loss by the time they reach middle age. In women, hair loss causes hair thinning over the frontal and upper surface of the head. Many women suffering from hair loss experience negative psychological effects related to the condition.
What causes hair loss?
Hair loss in men and women is caused by an increase in production of two proteins: 5α-reductase (5α-R) and androgen receptor (AR). [2],[3]
The 5α-R protein converts testosterone, the common male-sex hormone, into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). [2],[3] Since there is more of the 5α-R protein in MPB, there are also high levels of DHT.
Both testosterone and DHT bind to the androgen receptor (AR), but DHT is much better at binding. [4] Since there is an increase in DHT levels, and since there are greater amounts of AR, there is more DHT protein bound to AR.
When DHT binds to AR, the new complex, made of these two proteins, sends a signal that causes the hair follicles to get smaller. This leads to progressive hair loss. [2],[3]
As you remember, the initial event that starts the hair loss is the increase in production of the two proteins 5α-R and AR. What is the cause of this increase?
Latent viruses. Viruses can be in a latent or active state. Most people harbor a latent viral infection with more than 90% infected with EBV, more than 70% infected with CMV, and more than 90% infected with HSV-1 in many nations. [5] Viruses in their latent state are often dismissed as harmless. However, Hanan Polansky shows in his book ‘Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease’ that latent viruses can cause disease. [6]
According to Dr. Hanan Polansky, the genes of common latent viruses compete with the human genes for specific factors found in the nucleus of the cell. The viruses are often stronger and win this competition. Since these factors are rare, the viruses reduce the availability of these factors to the human genes. This causes abnormal production of proteins in the human host.
Dr. Polansky called the fight between viral genes and human genes microcompetition. [6]
In the case of hair loss, microcompetition between the viral genes and the genes of the two proteins 5α-R and AR causes an increase in the production of these two proteins. When the two proteins reach a high level, the hair follicles start to decrease in size, resulting in hair loss. [2],[3]
How does Nolapecia work?
Nolapecia targets the latent viruses in the body. This helps the body maintain normal levels of the 5α-R, DHT, and AR proteins, which stimulates hair growth. There are many treatments for hair loss. However, only Nolapecia targets the latent viruses that cause the increase in 5α-R, DHT, and AR in both men and women.
[1] Pirastu N, Joshi PK, de Vries PS et al. GWAS for male-pattern baldness identifies 71 susceptibility loci explaining 38% of the risk. Nat Commun. 2017;8(1):1584.
[2] Lai J, Chang P, Lai K, Chen L, Chang C. The role of androgen and androgen receptor in the skin-related disorders. Arch Dermatol Res. 2012;304(7):499-510.
[3] Ceruti JM, Leiros GJ, Balana ME. Androgens and androgen receptor action in skin and hair follicles. Mol Cel Endocrinol. 2017.
[4] Elsaie ML. Hormonal treatment of acne vulgaris: an update. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2016;9:241-248.
[5] Polansky H, Javaherian A. 3-Econsystems: MicroRNAs, Receptors, and La tent Viruses: Some Insights Biology Can Gain from Economic Theory. Front Microbiol. 2016;7:369.
[6] Polansky H. Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease. Rochester, NY: CBCD Publishing. 2003.